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Seminarie 1 med EARA:

Del 1 i europiska bondealliansens seminarieserie
”Regenerative Agriculture: The 4th Agricultural Revolution”

EARA bjuder in: We’re thrilled to invite you to the 1st session of our roundtable series, dedicated to exploring the 4th Agricultural Revolution—Regenerative Agriculture. This movement is more than a change in farming practices; it’s a revolution rooted in microbiology and soil science breakthroughs and the innovative spirit of pioneering farmers who tirelessly push the boundaries of the possible every day.

Join us on September 11th, 7-8:30 pm CET, for the first session titled "Regenerative Agriculture: The 4th Agricultural Revolution." We’ll dive into topics like photosynthesis, soil biology, and farmer-led innovations, contrasting them with AI, GMOs, and power concentrations.

We’re excited to have world-renowned experts: Joel Salatin, Andre Leu, André Antunes and EARA's pioneering farmers Meghan Sapp, Sheila Darmos and Ben Taylor-Davies leading the discussion and sharing invaluable insights.

Regenerative Agriculture is a leap forward in both practice and culture, uniting farmers across all contexts in their vision to achieve the highest productivity through the most sophisticated symbiosis with nature. It’s about regenerating not just our soils, but our hearts and minds too.

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